Anglophone Crisis: UN Contradicts Atanga Nji’s Figures,Lies About Humanitarian Groups

Cameroon’s Territorial Administration Minister, Paul Atanga Nji early last week accused some humanitarian groups of fueling the conflict in the Anglophone regions by supporting Ambazonian fighters.

Atanga Nji said contrary to other reports, Cameroon has just 152.000 internally displaced persons(IDPs) living in the North West and South West regions.

“some ill-intentioned political actors and Nongovernmental Organisations have been providing false information on the crisis. According to these plotters, there are approximately 600,000 internally displaced persons in the North West and South West Regions”

“Cameroon to date has only 152,000 internally displaced persons in the North-West and South-West Regions, and approximately 6 to 9 thousand internally displaced persons in the other Regions” minister said authoritatively.

In a response today, a post by the Cameroon United Nations office has contradicted Atanga Nji’s  false information presented to the press.

It is outrightly clear the minister lied about facts and figures of IDPs in the Anglophone regions and the impact of humanitarian workers who seek to better the situation of people displaced by the war.

“Statistics on the Humanitarian situation in Cameroon are not  fake news. Humanitarian aid is based on needs, it is neutral, impartial and independent.

Aid workers are Not A Target .They work to alleviate suffering. They should be supported not targetted” – the UN office wrote, stating the exact figures of internally displaced persons, refugees and those affected by the Cameroon Anglophone crisis – pretty much different figures to that which the minister presentedi

UN contradicts Atanga Nji’s lies about humanitarian aid on cameroon anglophone crisis

Until this response, the minister had been hugely bullied on social media few hours after his fake declarations.

It has been usual of Cameroon government authorities to downplay the situation in the Anglophone regions and conceal truth and actual figures on the Ambazonia war.

In a recent report we published, two Cameroon ministers including Atanga Nji challenged US President Donald Trump’s human rights declaration about Cameroon.

They said Trump was mistaken about Cameroon and categorically rejected all allegations against the military which they claimed has always been professional.

While these ministers continue to lie to push government agenda, war continues in the Anglophone regions with several gun battles even on Christmas day.

The battle between Ambazonian fighters and the Cameroon military leaves at least one person dead everyday, houses burnt and many rendered homeless

All government efforts to stop the deepening bloodbath has failed, yet there is a hardened refusal for a third party mediation which has prolonged the war since 2016.

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