After Cameroon Halts Use Of AstraZeneCa Vaccine, WHO Gives Pass

The World Health Organization and other European medicine agencies have said there is no risk in using the AstraZeneCa vaccine.

This is coming after many countries including Cameroon halted the use of the vaccine, citing the effects, while others are trying to study further before implementing it in their countries.

On March 17, Cameroon’s Scientific Council for Public Health Emergencies said it needed some time before allowing the vaccine in Cameroon.

Many European countries like Denmark have suspended the use of the vaccine, saying it is causing blood clot in people.

WHO reaffirmed in a statement Wednesday that the vaccine is safe and necessary to be administered against covid-19.

“At this time, WHO considers that the benefits of the AstraZeneca vaccine outweigh its risks and recommends that vaccinations continue,” part of the statement reads.

The leading health organization has also confirmed that the vaccine is free from blood clot as said by many countries.

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