Issa Tchiroma, Cameron’s Minister of communication has continued to say that there is no Anglophone Problem.
He was speaking during an interview on Equinoxe Tv where he said the problem Cameroon has is the “Secession Problem” and not an Anglophone problem.
The minister called on Anglophones to refrain from amalgamation. To him, the government is doing her possible best to rescue the situation.
Talking on the resignation of Parliamentarians, Tchiroma attested that some of these MPs were threatened to resign and most of them spoke at a point of life and death when faced with crowds who threatened to wipe out their family.
“What the government is doing is far from being perfect, but I assure you things would get better”, Tchiroma added
However, Gilbert Ngimndoh, popular historian has suggested that the solution to the Anglophone is meaningful dialogue and nothing else.
He analyzed the Minister’s speech as one without sincerity. To him, there is a crisis of confidence in Cameroon and this can only be built with the help of a third party on the dialogue table. Most importantly, “no option should be considered a taboo on that table”.
We can only look forward to the “better” side in the days ahead as the government claims.
Since November 2016, the Anglophone regions of Cameroon have been faced with political instabilities that has taken several lives and left an atmosphere of fear and panic.
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